
Painting with Decals: Canopy Frames and More

A very accurate and simple way to create the frames on canopies is to use blank clear decal paper. Using clear paper allows you to show both the interior and exterior colors on the frame.

You'll want to make sure that you paint the interior color on the waterslide paper first. In fact, whatever colors you paint on the aircraft should also be  painted on the paper. If you have a camouflage color transition on the frames, you can paint two or more colors and then cut the frame strips so that both colors end up in the appropriate spot.

Canopy frames can be created with accuracy using
painted decal paper
Cut the painted paper into strips the width of the frames with a VERY sharp hobby knife and straightedge and apply using decal setting solution. Extra length can be trimmed and picked away once the decals have adhered to the surface. If the molded frames are unrealistically wide, cut the strips slightly thinner than the frames to simulate more delicate framing. Larger portions of the clear parts that need to be covered can also be colored with the decal paper.

In addition to canopy frames, painted decal paper (either clear or white) can also be used for stripes and other geometric areas of color on a model. Spray painting the waterslide paper works better for this technique because painting the paper with brushes leaves brush marks and can damage the decal paper.

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